We understand that choosing the perfect tiles for your home can be a bit overwhelming. That's why we're here to help make the process easier for you. We offer tile samples that you can order and see for yourself before making a decision. 

What are Tile Samples?

Tile samples are small pieces (10x10cm or 15x15cm cut from full tile) of tiles that we send to you so that you can get a better idea of how they look and feel in your own space. It's like having a mini-version of the tile right in your hands! These samples allow you to see the colors, patterns, and textures up close, helping you make a confident choice for your home.

Why Should I Get Tile Samples?

Imagine going to an ice cream shop and trying different flavors before deciding which one you want to enjoy. Tile samples work the same way! They allow you to test out different styles and see how they match your home's decor and personal taste. By having the samples in your hands, you can compare them with your furniture, walls, and other elements to see which ones complement your space the best.

How Does It Work?

Ordering tile samples is easy! Just browse through our wide selection of tiles on our website and choose the ones that catch your eye. Once you've made your selection, simply click on the "Add  Cut Sample to Cart" button, and we'll take care of the rest. We'll carefully package and ship the samples to your doorstep, so you can start exploring the possibilities right away.

When the tile samples arrive, take them out of the package and have fun experimenting! Lay them on the floor, hold them against the walls, or even take them outside in natural light. Take your time to see how the colors and patterns change under different lighting conditions. This way, you can be sure that you're making a decision you'll love for years to come.

What Can I Expect from the Tile Samples?

Each tile sample is designed to give you a good representation of the actual tile. While they may be smaller than the full-size tiles, they capture the essence of the colors, patterns, and textures. You'll be able to see the details up close, helping you visualize how they will look in your space.

Remember, tile samples are meant to guide and inspire you. They are cut pieces from full tile and may not show the entire design but will help you with getting ideas about  colour, texture, finish and feel of quality.. They are tools to help you make an informed decision. It's always a good idea to consider the overall look and feel of your home when choosing tiles. Think about the style you want to achieve and how the tiles will fit into your existing decor.

Why Do We Charge for Delivery, Not for Samples?

At our tile store, we believe in providing exceptional value and service to our customers. That's why we offer our tile samples for free, allowing you to explore the various options and find the perfect tiles for your home without any upfront cost. However, we do charge for delivery, and we'd like to explain why.

  1. Cost of Packaging and Handling: When you request a tile sample, our team carefully prepares and packages it to ensure it arrives safely at your doorstep. This process requires materials such as packaging boxes, bubble wrap, and other protective materials. We need to cover these costs to ensure your samples reach you in perfect condition.
  2. Shipping Expenses: Shipping the tile samples to your location involves transportation costs, including fees charged by the shipping carrier. We work with reliable shipping partners to ensure your samples are delivered efficiently and securely. By charging for delivery, we can continue to provide this convenient service to customers across different regions.
  3. Enhanced Customer Experience: By offering free samples, we aim to provide you with an opportunity to see and feel the tiles before making a purchase. However, delivering the samples to your doorstep incurs expenses that cannot be completely absorbed by our business. Charging for delivery helps us maintain the quality of service and support we offer to all our customers, ensuring a seamless and satisfying experience.
  4. Flexibility and Selection: We strive to provide an extensive range of tile samples to suit diverse preferences and design styles. By charging for delivery, we can continue to expand our sample collection, ensuring that you have access to a wide selection of tiles to choose from. This way, you can make a more informed decision by exploring different options without any limitations.
  5. Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility: As a responsible business, we strive to minimize waste and promote sustainability. Charging for delivery allows us to consolidate orders and optimize shipping routes, reducing the carbon footprint associated with individual sample shipments. By doing so, we contribute to environmental preservation while maintaining affordable prices for our valued customers.

We understand that delivery charges can add to the overall cost, but we assure you that we continually evaluate our pricing structure to ensure it remains fair and competitive. Our commitment to providing free tile samples allows you to explore the quality and aesthetics of our tiles firsthand, helping you make a confident decision for your home.

Order Your Tile Samples Today!

Ready to embark on your tile selection journey? Browse our website, choose your favorite tiles, and order your samples today. We can't wait to be a part of creating a beautiful space in your home!

If you need any assistance or have any questions, feel free to reach out to our friendly customer support team.